* The Tokachi Healthy Half Marathon is no longer. However, there is a new half marathon in Obihiro, Tokachi! The Foodvalley Tokachi Half Marathon!
Tokachi Healthy Marathon
(Tokachi Kenko Marason)
When: June 24th
Apply by: June 4th
Where: Obihiro , Obihiro no Mori Rikujyo Kyogijo
Runtes No.: 00642
Runs: Half, 10k, 5k, 3k, family
Half 3000yen
10k 1500yen
5k 1000yen
Family division cannot apply through Runtes.
Can get an application from local authorities (city and town halls) in the Tokachi area (Obihiro, Makubetsu, Memuro, Otofuke etc)
Can apply by Runtes.
Apply to:
Tokachi Kenko Marathon Entry Office
Address: 060-0006, Sapporo-si, Chuo-ku, Kita 6-jo, Nishi 20-chome 2-3
Tel: 011-622-1100
Fax: 011-622-2800
HP: http://www.nissenren-obihiro.co.jp/