Sunday, October 27, 2013

Nissan Cup Rikubetsu Kogarashi Half Marathon

お問い合わせは、大会事務局(陸別町役場産業振興課内 ℡0156-27-2141まで)

From the Rikubetsu homepage.
The Kogarashi Half Marathon also has 10k and 5k events and 3k and 2k events for children will be held on October 27th at the Nissan Test Track.

DeadlineOctober 4th.
You can download more information and application forms from the Rikubetsu Town hompage here:

There are no cheering crowds, no spectators but there great views and the probably the only chance you'll have of racing around Nissan's Hokkaido test track.  The Half marathon first takes you around the inner circle full of serious hill climbs and then around the outer high-speed circle and back for the finish.  Kogarashi means "cold wind" and likewise the weather is always a bit cool for this race.

Please call the Sangyo Sinkoka of the Rikubetsu-cho Yakuba at 0156-27-2141 for more information.

Mt. Mokoto Fukioroshi Marathon

Mt. Mokoto Fukioroshi Marathon
Full, half, 10k, 5k, 3k, 2k events. 
October 27.
Apply by September 27.

Here is the event site: home | fukioroshi

Shikaoi Trail Run

The Shikaoi Trail Run will have its fourth running on Saturday October 27th

The run starts and ends at the Nishikami Farm and takes you through a wild ride through forests, over wood chip trails, across several small rivers and through green pastures. The farm also has a cafe and furnace for cooking bread or pizza and they have strawberries. Loads and loads of strawberries that you can buy or pick yourself.

Place: Kanko Noen Nishikami in Shikaoi
Put on by the Shikaoi-cho Sogogata Chiiki Sports Club "Wakko".

8:30 Opening Ceremony
9:00 Start
13:00 Awards Ceremony

23k fee 3,000yen
12k fee 2,000yen
5k fee 1,500yen (700 for children)

Apply by: October 4 (Friday)

Apply by post or fax, pay by making a deposit to their account at
〒081-0223 河東郡鹿追町南町2丁目40番地(和田)
☆振込先☆ しかおいトレイルラン実行委員会

Tel/Fax (0156)66-2438
Inquiry/Questions can be made by telephone after 9pm.

Bank account
帯広信用金庫 鹿追支店 店番006 口座番号1047907

Trekking poles not allowed
Be prepared for the cold.
Long tights or other leg covering should be worn to protect against cuts and scrapes.

I have not been able to find a link for this and I have lost our own applications but I someone was kind enough to upload a PDF of the application, in color! So they must have gotten it from the source, wherever the source is. I was not able to find it on the Shikaoi Town website like last year.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Mokoto - Lake Kussharo Trail Run

Mt. Mokoto and Lake Kussharo Trail Run

A low impact trail run.

Date: October 20, 2013
Apply by September 20, 2013

A trail run and trail walk competition.
See the details at their homepage (Japanese)

The longest event is 26km.  With shorter runs and walks.  Children in 4th grade and up can join some of the shorter events.

It looks like this one might be a bit more difficult to apply for since it doesn't use a 3rd party service like Runnet to apply.
You can download a form and fax in your application.   You will have to pay by bank transfer, essentially, by sending money to their account.  The account information is on their website as well as a sample of how the form might look like filled in.

This is an event I've had my eye one for a while.  I still won't be able to run the event myself because of family duties, but maybe someday.

Treking pole are not allowed.
I believe you need to bring/carry your own cup or bottle for getting water from the aid stations.

You'll probably want to wear long tights and gloves and BEAR BELLS to be safe.  The sasa can cut your skin.

They have promotion videos (PV) at the website.  Check it out.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Otoineppu Trail Run

Otoineppu Trail Run 

50k, 30k, and 15k events.

The event is run at the Otoifuji Ski slope and over cross country ski courses.  From the course map, it looks fairly challenging, with a lot of climbing to be done.

They have a Facebook Page here:
And the event page on the Otoineppu Homepage, where you can download course maps, is here:

Too late to apply since the event is this Sunday, the same day as the Hokkaido Marathon, but this may be one to put on the schedule for next year.

Sunday, July 14, 2013


MAMMUT CUP Mt TAISETSU Trail Journey (大雪山ウルトラトレイル) in July.
(1) 110k, (2) 100k and (3) 72k and (4) 36k
Registration has begun!

First MAMMUT CUP Mt TAISETSU Trail Journey
July 13 - 15 (Saturday, Sunday, Monday (holiday))
Race is July 14 - 15.

Hokkaido Taqisetsuzan 
Engaru-cho, Kamikawa-cho, Higashikawa-cho

Trail Running, Fast Trecking

(1) Taisetsuzan Ultra Trail 110k (14th adn 15th)

(2) Taisetsuzan Ultra Trail and Fast Trecking 100k (14th and 15th)

(3) Engaru Long Trail 72k (14th)

(4) Shirataki Tengu Trail 36k (14th)

(5) Kamui Mintara Fast Trecking 28k (15th)

Note: The fast trecking of (2) and (5) are not running events.

Limted to (1) 250 people (2) 50 people (3) 50 people (4) 300 people (5) 50 people
募集人数 (1)250名 (2)50名 (3)50名 (4)300名 (5)50名

Must be at least 18 years old to participate and must be confident in your ability to complete the event you enter.
参加資格 18歳以上で迷うことなく全行程を制限時間内に完走(完歩)する体力と気力を有する方。

Note: Junior High School aged children and above may participate in (5) if they are accompanied by an parent or guardian.

You need to be prepared to and able to meet any weather or conditions that the mountain may throw at you.
参加条件 ・ 高地山岳地で起こりうる様々な環境の変化に適切に対応する能力を有すること。

You need to take into consideration the local natural environment do everything you can to limit your impact during the event.
・ コースエリアの自然環境を良く理解し、環境保護に十分配慮できること。

If you choose to participate in (1) or (2), you must stay at the facility as directed by the event organizers.
・ 種目(1)と(2)については、実行委員会指定の宿泊施設に泊まること。

コース (1) 1日目:遠軽町丸瀬布総合スポーツ公園〜白滝〜白滝天狗平〜平山〜比麻良山〜有明山〜天狗岳〜白滝高原キャンプ場


(2) 1日目:遠軽町丸瀬布総合スポーツ公園〜白滝〜白滝天狗平〜平山〜比麻良山〜有明山〜天狗岳〜白滝高原キャンプ場


(3) 遠軽町丸瀬布総合スポーツ公園〜白滝〜白滝天狗平〜平山〜比麻良山〜有明山〜天狗岳〜白滝高原キャンプ場

(4) 白滝高原キャンプ場〜白滝天狗平〜平山〜比麻良山〜有明山〜天狗岳〜白滝高原キャンプ場

(5) 大雪旭ヶ丘〜愛山渓〜当麻岳〜間宮岳〜旭岳〜旭岳登山口




スタート (1)・(2)1日目4:00・2日目6:00 (3)4:00 (4)8:00 (5)6:00

制限時間 (1) 24時間 (1日目14時間、2日目10時間)

(2) 26時間 (1日目14時間、2日目12時間)

(3) 14時間

(4) 9時間

(5) 12時間

表 彰 各男女1〜6位


参加申込 2013年3月15日 (締切り6月21日 ※但し定員となり次第終了)

申込方法 フィールズオンラインエントリー、ランネット、JTBスポーツステーション


Participation Fees
(1)16,000円 (2)14,000円 (3)10,000円 (4)6,000円 (5)5,000円

参加賞 大雪山ウルトラトレイルオリジナルTシャツほか

主 催 大雪山ウルトラトレイル実行委員会

後 援 北海道、遠軽町、上川町、東川町、北海道新聞社ほか(一部予定)

協 力 陸上自衛隊第25普通科連隊、白滝山岳会、上川山岳会、旭川山岳会ほか


協 賛 秀岳荘、スポーツメーカー各社

For more details ContactTaikai Jimukyoku (Field Sports Desk)
〒297-0201 千葉県ながら町上野468-3 ログフィールズ

TEL 0475-47-3017 / FAX 0475-47-3018 / Eメール

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Rishiri Island Run (Yu-Yu Running)

第13回 利尻島一周悠遊覧人G 

 For a lot of people, after conquering(?) the marathon, the prospect of challenging even longer distances creeps into their warped minds.  Often the next step up is a 50k.  This run is 55.4k and offers an opportunity to take a step into the "ultra" world of long distance running.  It's a run I've always wanted to do.  Maybe this year is the year?  However, it requires that you take a day or two off to accomplish it as it is out of the way and a bit hard to get to.  If you can work out the logistics, it looks like a great run.

Date: June 2, 2013
Place: Ripura (Rishirifuji-cho Sogo Koryu Sokushin Shisetsu)

55km (Men and Women from 7th grade up, 10 hour time limit, two cut-off gates)

Fee: 4,000 yen (includes insurance, drinking water and photos)

Limited to first 500 entries (Preference given to "repeaters" who have participated before )

Application period: February 12 to April 30

Pre-event party: June 1, 6:30pm to 8pm limited to 300 people. Must apply in advance.  Cost 2,000 yen.
*The party filled up last year.

Snacks offered at the finish and a free ride to a hotspring (onsen).

After-event party: June 2, 4:30pm after the closing and award ceremonies. Cost 1,000 yen.
Rides offered to the ferry terminal for people taking the last ferry back.

You can download the application from and get more details from Rishirifuji Town at

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Karikachi Trail Run

Karikachi Trail Run
2013 狩勝トレイルランニング大会

The course takes you over an old railroad path from more than 100 years ago and down forest access roads.

Distance: 20k, 10k, 4k
Apply by: April 25

Apply by fax or through the organizer's website at

Fee: 3,500 yen for 20 and 10k, 1500 yen for 4k.

We are seeing more and more trail runs popping up here in Hokkaido.  Have you run one yet?

Three others that come to mind are Niseko, Shimizu and Shikaoi.

Plus, there is an ultra trail this year with distances of 110k, 100k and 72k and 36k, the
MAMMUT CUP Mt TAISETSU Trail Journey (大雪山ウルトラトレイル) in July.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Hokkaido Marathon

This year I finally gone and done it!  I registered for the Hokkaido Marathon, the biggest and most famous marathon in Hokkaido.  I got my registration done around 4pm and the registration closed later that day when all the slots were filled!  Yes, they filled over 10,000 entry slots in one day!

I have been on a vacation from running due to a sore leg that won't get better.  I'm giving it 6 weeks to get better before I start training for the Hokkaido Marathon.

The Hokkaido Marathon is on the last Sunday in August on the twenty-fifth.  It is always a hot marathon, usually with the temperature hitting 28 degrees celsius or higher.  This will be a tough challenge for me just to prepare for and finish the race.  Even if my leg was 100% it would still be a difficult race for me to finish.  But, since we now have family living in Sapporo, we decided to go for it this year.  By "we" I mean myself and my mother in-law.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Shiranuka Road Race

10k, 5k, 3k

Each year of road racing in Hokkaido starts right here, at Shiranuka!

March 24
Application Period: January 1, 2013 - February 28

Fee: 2,000yen, 1,500 High School Students, 1,000 Elementary
Also, you can run the Child/Parent run and sign up for the adult run for a discounted price of
3,000 yen.

Request application by phone.
Applications and information can also be downloaded from the event website (see below).

About 400 participants.

Start: In front of the Shiranuka-cho Sogo Taiikukan 白糠町総合体育館前
Start time: 3k=10:30, 5k & 10k=11:00
Address: 北海道白糠郡白糠町東二条北3丁目1−1
5 minute walk from JR Shiranuka Station

Other: Participation prize (local food products), certificate of completion, distance markers, changing rooms

Tel: 01547-2-4595
〒088-0341 白糠町茶路基線13 斎藤政昭

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Limited information is included in the calendar entries. For more information, leave a comment. I try to post the deadlines for the races. The place where the race is held is also included. You can see where it is by clicking on the map link.