October 28Apply directly to organizers by 9/20
Organizers HP: http://www.town.ozora.hokkaido.jp/dd.aspx?menuid=1870
Half, 10k, 5k, 3k, 2k
Fee: 2000
Reception: Ozora Higashi MokotoB&G Kaiyo Center
Reception Time: 7:40 - 8:10
Access: Take Higashi Mokoto Bound bus from Abashiri Station (45 minutes), then walk 10 minutes
Parking: 100 spaces
Course: Half and 10k is a run down a mountain.
Water: 1 point for half and 10k
Mileage Markers: Every 5k, every 1k for last 3km
Opening Ceremony: 8:30
Start at: Mokoto Yama (Half), Furusato Center (10k), Midori to Cheezu no Sato Fureai Park (other)
Finish at: Higashi Mokoto Tamokuteki Ground
Record print out: yes, same day
Places: to 6th
Participation prize: yes (last year was a napsack)
Last year: 497 people, 134 half, 85 10k, 73 5k
Last year wining time: Men's Hal 1:09:55, Women's 1:25:26
Other: Pork Soup after the run, vendors
Local specialties: cheese, Chinese yams
Apply to: Mokotoyama Fukioroshi Marason Taikai Jimukyoku
北海道網走郡大空町東藻琴387-1 大空町東藻琴B&G海洋センター内
TEL 0152-66-2741
FAX 0152-66-3615