Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Biei Healthy Half Marathon

Biei Healthy Marathon 2011

  27100    6月12日 北海道   びえいヘルシーマラソン2011
Biei Healthy Half Marathon June 22
20th Anniversary Race!
One of the most popular races in Japan! On the top 100 list.
When:June 22 (Sun)
Apply by: April 30th
Type: Running
Runtes No.:27100
Races: Half, quarter, eighth

Fee: 3000yen
Event Homepage:

Run from Biei Shirogane Spa (onsen) to Maruyama Sports and Track and Field Park.
Lots of people cheering you on. The children really help with their cheers on the steep hill. Run down from the spa on a road lined with white birch. Beautiful. Lots of food stalls at the goal and plenty of space in the sports park to relax after the event. Biei itself is surrounded by rolling hills and is a beautiful area.

Course map available from event homepage.

Apply at Runnet.

Contact: 0166-92-3333
Hokkaido Kamikawa-gun Biei-cho Hon-cho 4-6-1
Biei-cho Yakuba

北海道上川郡美瑛町本町4-6-1 美瑛町役場内 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Otaru Canal Road Race

 27368    6月19日 北海道   第23回おたる運河ロードレース
Otaru Unga Road Race , half, June 19
Half, 10k, 5k, 2.5k

The Otaru Unga (canal) Road Race takes you along the historic Otaru Canal with views of the ocean and many of the historic old warehouses and bridges with a turnaround at the Otaru Aquarium for the half.

Places for 1st through 6th.
Original towel to all participants.

Participation fee:
3,000 yen for adults
1,000 for school aged children

Application period: 4/11 to 5/9
    Can apply at
  • Runnet 200yen
    Pay at convenience stores, with credit cards or by bank account withdrawal
  • Sports Entry  200 yen to 250 yen 
    Pay at convenience stores, with credit cards. Call 0570-037-846 Weekdays 10 am to 5 pm
  • JTB Sports Station 200 yen
    Pay at convenience stores, with credit cards

Must be able to finish the half within 2 hours 10 minutes.
Limited information is included in the calendar entries. For more information, leave a comment. I try to post the deadlines for the races. The place where the race is held is also included. You can see where it is by clicking on the map link.