Monday, October 12, 2015

Kenko (Half) Marathon

Kenko Marason Taikai
Put on by the Sunshine Sports Club

Dist: Half Marathon, 10k, 5k, 3k
Fee: 3000 yen
Deadline: 9/23

Meet at Toyohira River riverside park by the Myunhen Bridge (ミュンヘン大橋)
Reception: 8:30 to 9:20
Course briefing: 9:30
Start: 10:00 (Half Marathon, other distance start AFTER the half marathon start)

Apply by bringing your application and application fee to the Sunshine Sports Club or by sending your fee to the following bank account.

北海道銀行中央支店 (普)0769447 サンシャインビル(株)
Hokkaido Ginko Chuo Shiten (futsu) 0769447  Sunshinebiru

You can download a PDF of the application form from their website at the link below.

Tel 011-221-3411
Fax 011.221.2718

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Santa Land Half Marathon

Ogon Doro Santa Land Half Marathon

After hearing about this a couple of times over the past year, the new running event finally has a website up and an official date. It is scheduled for October 4, which would make it the same weekend as the Betsukai Pilot Marathon.  The main distance is a half marathon and the fee is 3,500 yen.

Date: October 4, 2015
Apply: June 10, 2015 - September 4, 2015
Where: Hiro-cho, Daimaruyama Park

They say participants will get a present from Santa on Christmas Eve!?

The website is brand new and unfinished.  I expect there to be more information by the time the application period starts.

The website has been updated and you can now apply for the race as of June 10.
Online application is being handled by Sports Entry.

Half - 7th grade and up
5k - elementary aged and up
3k - elementary aged kids through high school
3k - Costume (Dressed as Santa?)
3k -  Pair

Half: 3,500 for adults, 2,500 for high school, 2,000 for junior high school
5km: 2,500 for adults, 1,500 for junior high school, 1,000 for elementary school
3km 1,000 for junior and high school, 800 yen for elementary school
3km  costume and pair, 1,000 yen.

If you can't apply through Sports Entry you can get an application mailed to you and apply by Yubin Furikae at a post office.

There will be medals and prizes for placers, soup after the race, and a lucky drawing.
A portion of the participation feel will be used for charity.  There will also be whole roasted half of beef, ikura don (salmon roe on rice) and other goodies.

Okoppe Chichi no Sato Half Marathon

Okoppe Chichi no Sato Half Marathon


What: Half Marathon, 10k, 5k, 3k

Date: 10/4 (Sunday)
Deadline: 8/31

Where: Okoppe-cho 興部町

Fee: 2,500 yen for adults

Runners get salmon soup, rice with scallops and milk after the race to help speed your recovery. Looks like  a delicious event.

Apply by Yubin Furikomi:

Event Page:

Bekkai Pilot Marathon

Bekkai Pilot Marathon

October 4th
(The first Sunday of October every year)

Full, 5k

Run down the Pilot Road lined with rolling hills and contented cows. Famous for dairy products, you get milk, ice cream and other complementary dairy products at the party the night before. You can also watch the two mascot cows take off at the start of the marathon.
There are only two distances, the full 42.195k and a 5k. At the end of the full, finishers get an extra large beach towel and a whole salmon as their reward. Not much to do in Bekkai but enjoy the views and the food.

You can get all of the details, in detail from this page.

Full Starts 10:00
5k Starts 10:45
Time limit for the full is 5 hours 20 minutes.

Oct. 4th
Bekkai Choei Rikujyo Kyogijo (The Town Track)

Last call for the full: 9:30-9:45

Time limits:
10k: 11:10(70 min)
20k: 12:20 (70 min)
30k: 13:30 (70 min)
40k: 14:50 (80 min)
Goal: 15:20
Total: 5 hours 20 minutes

Full 5000
5k 2,000

Participation prize:Dairy products from Bekkai, certificate of completion, 5k split times for those who completed at least 20km.
Finisher's Prize: Original Extra Large Bath Towel, 1 Bekkai Salmon.
Sorry, 5k finishers don't get a salmon.  If you want the fish, you gotta finish the full!

There are also several nice prizes for the top placers in each category (mens, womens, age).
Add it to your calendar?
Click here to add it to your Google Calendar 

Or, you can download this VCS file for you calendar program here:!112511&authkey=!AFhP7O6nxmPBJj8&ithint=file%2cvcs
Limited information is included in the calendar entries. For more information, leave a comment. I try to post the deadlines for the races. The place where the race is held is also included. You can see where it is by clicking on the map link.