Half marathon
10k, 5k, 3k (children)
Website: http://www.town.tsubetsu.hokkaido.jp/01news/10oshirase/2017-0726-1913-3.html
Date: October 1, 2017
Apply by: September 1, 2017
Enjoy the wonderful fall colors of Tsubetsu. Koyo means "fall colors" in Japanese and is written as 紅葉, or "red leaves". Buses will take participants to the start and then it is a downhill run from there. This could be the place to get a PB! Buses leave from the Tsubetsu Elementary School play ground.
Reception from 8:00 to 8:30 am.
Opening ceremony held at the Tsubetsu elementary school play ground at 8:40 am
After the opening ceremony, buses take runners to the start points of each distance.
Lunch is provided (curry) and you can enjoy having the hot meal with the other runners.
1,500 for adults
1,000 for high school and junior high school
700 for elementary school aged participants
You need to fill out the application and take the application fee to the
Tsubetsu-cho Chuo Kominkan to apply for the race.
You can bring it to them directly, or you can send it by Genkin Kakitome (現金書留) or Kawase (為替). You should be able to get these at a post office or a bank.
I added text boxes of English to the application form and am attaching the link to this post.
If you do this today, it should arrive on time by Friday, September 1.
Here is the address to send it to.
You can print it out and bring it with you when you mail your application.
北海道網走郡津別町字豊永5番地1 津別町中央公民館内
TEL:0152-76-2713 FAX:0152-76-2477
北海道網走郡津別町字豊永5番地1 津別町中央公民館内
TEL:0152-76-2713 FAX:0152-76-2477
Zip 092-0224
Hokkaido, Abashiri-gun, Tsubetsu-cho, Aza Toyonaga 5-banchi 1
Tsubetsu-cho Chuo Kominkan nai
Tsubetsu Koyo Marathon Taikai Jikoiinkai Jimukyoku
You can figure out your birth year in Japanese dates online. Here is a good link I found.