Nosappumisaki Half Marathon
Apply by July 22nd! Can apply online at runnet. 1300Yen! Run from the cape of Nosappu down to Nemuro City Hall. Great views and great seafood to be had in Nemuro.
Limited information is included in the calendar entries. For more information, leave a comment. I try to post the deadlines for the races. The place where the race is held is also included. You can see where it is by clicking on the map link.
I ran this race again this year. The race is an event to raise awareness of the Kuril islands that Japan wants back from Russia. Because of this it has a very cheap entry fee.
If you don't mind the political stuff it is actually a enjoyable race. They bus you down to the tip of Cape Nosappu and you run from the cape down into the town of Nemuro. There is a un-related festival the night before in down town Nemuro where you can get some beer and music. It was raining this year the day before tho so I didn't venture out.
The course is a strait shot into town with lots of undulating hills and two hills towards the end that you have to climb. The last one right before the finish is a tough one.
At the finish you get a small bottle of water, 4 small rice balls and a bowl of "Teppo Jiru" or crab soup, which was very good. They also have a lottery and prizes of canned, frozen and fresh seafood are given away.
Some good hills in this race. Can't say what the scenery was like though as it was pretty misty out...
Yes, all hills, up and down all the way. I didn't go this year but my MIL went and got first place and came home with a case of beer! Will have to go visit her soon.
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