MAMMUT CUP Mt TAISETSU Trail Journey (大雪山ウルトラトレイル) in July.
(1) 110k, (2) 100k and (3) 72k and (4) 36k
Registration has begun!
First MAMMUT CUP Mt TAISETSU Trail Journey
July 13 - 15 (Saturday, Sunday, Monday (holiday))
Race is July 14 - 15.
Hokkaido Taqisetsuzan
Engaru-cho, Kamikawa-cho, Higashikawa-cho
Trail Running, Fast Trecking
(1) Taisetsuzan Ultra Trail 110k (14th adn 15th)
(2) Taisetsuzan Ultra Trail and Fast Trecking 100k (14th and 15th)
(3) Engaru Long Trail 72k (14th)
(4) Shirataki Tengu Trail 36k (14th)
(5) Kamui Mintara Fast Trecking 28k (15th)
Note: The fast trecking of (2) and (5) are not running events.
Limted to (1) 250 people (2) 50 people (3) 50 people (4) 300 people (5) 50 people
募集人数 (1)250名 (2)50名 (3)50名 (4)300名 (5)50名
Must be at least 18 years old to participate and must be confident in your ability to complete the event you enter.
参加資格 18歳以上で迷うことなく全行程を制限時間内に完走(完歩)する体力と気力を有する方。
Note: Junior High School aged children and above may participate in (5) if they are accompanied by an parent or guardian.
You need to be prepared to and able to meet any weather or conditions that the mountain may throw at you.
参加条件 ・ 高地山岳地で起こりうる様々な環境の変化に適切に対応する能力を有すること。
You need to take into consideration the local natural environment do everything you can to limit your impact during the event.
・ コースエリアの自然環境を良く理解し、環境保護に十分配慮できること。
If you choose to participate in (1) or (2), you must stay at the facility as directed by the event organizers.
・ 種目(1)と(2)については、実行委員会指定の宿泊施設に泊まること。
コース (1) 1日目:遠軽町丸瀬布総合スポーツ公園〜白滝〜白滝天狗平〜平山〜比麻良山〜有明山〜天狗岳〜白滝高原キャンプ場
(2) 1日目:遠軽町丸瀬布総合スポーツ公園〜白滝〜白滝天狗平〜平山〜比麻良山〜有明山〜天狗岳〜白滝高原キャンプ場
(3) 遠軽町丸瀬布総合スポーツ公園〜白滝〜白滝天狗平〜平山〜比麻良山〜有明山〜天狗岳〜白滝高原キャンプ場
(4) 白滝高原キャンプ場〜白滝天狗平〜平山〜比麻良山〜有明山〜天狗岳〜白滝高原キャンプ場
(5) 大雪旭ヶ丘〜愛山渓〜当麻岳〜間宮岳〜旭岳〜旭岳登山口
スタート (1)・(2)1日目4:00・2日目6:00 (3)4:00 (4)8:00 (5)6:00
制限時間 (1) 24時間 (1日目14時間、2日目10時間)
(2) 26時間 (1日目14時間、2日目12時間)
(3) 14時間
(4) 9時間
(5) 12時間
表 彰 各男女1〜6位
参加申込 2013年3月15日 (締切り6月21日 ※但し定員となり次第終了)
申込方法 フィールズオンラインエントリー、ランネット、JTBスポーツステーション
Participation Fees
(1)16,000円 (2)14,000円 (3)10,000円 (4)6,000円 (5)5,000円
参加賞 大雪山ウルトラトレイルオリジナルTシャツほか
主 催 大雪山ウルトラトレイル実行委員会
後 援 北海道、遠軽町、上川町、東川町、北海道新聞社ほか(一部予定)
協 力 陸上自衛隊第25普通科連隊、白滝山岳会、上川山岳会、旭川山岳会ほか
協 賛 秀岳荘、スポーツメーカー各社
For more details ContactTaikai Jimukyoku (Field Sports Desk)
〒297-0201 千葉県ながら町上野468-3 ログフィールズ
TEL 0475-47-3017 / FAX 0475-47-3018 / Eメール
Note: This is not a complete translation of the details but it should be enough to get you started if you want to participate. Go to the event's website for more details and to get registered for the event.
Thanks for this great website. My husband and I started running about 1.5 years ago in the U.S. and enjoy the sport. We came to Sapporo in March and will be here for 1 year.I was wondering if you had any idea about where we could find bigger sized running shoes. My husband wears an American size 13, and I wear an American size 9.5. Also, do you know where we could find Cliff blocks?
There is a shop in Sapporo that would probably have them. The athlete club.
Or you could try ordering online.
Many shops will also special order if you know what you want. And if you don't want them when they come in, you don't have to buy them.
As for Cliff blocks, I wouldn't know about that. I started running in Japan and have never used anything like that. I received a sample of something that looks similar. I'll have to get that out and see what the product name is.
You could always experiment with alternatives. Gummy bears? Jelly beans? Candies? Single serving honey packets? Salty candies and chewables are available at outdoor and sporting shops for hikers etc.
If it is for the caffeine, I've read that the caffeine only really helps if you don't regularly take caffeine. If you never drink coffee or tea etc...
The only thing I've ever used are things for energy. Sports drinks, home mixed sports drinks, honey, bread, food of all sorts.
Good luck and have fun!
I found that product I wrote about. It's called "origono-ru gumi", オリゴノールグミ in katakana. It says "3 hours Power Source". Looks like it is made out of sugar, gelatin, lemon juice, lychee, tea extract and a few other things I can't recognize. It also has something in it called l-citrulline, which I looked up. It apparently may help reduce muscle fatigue.
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