Monday, August 22, 2016

Tokachi Trail Running (canceled)

Hokkaido - Tokachi Trail Running

I know, it is a strange title for an event.

When: Oct 9, 2016
Where: Honbetsu Park 本別公園
Apply by:  September 2, 2016 (Mail in by August 31?)
Type: Trail
Distances: 15.7km, 13km, 3.7km
Selling points: Fall colors.  Good  JumboYoshitsune Nabe soup.
Requirements: Bring your own drinks, must have a hat and gloves.
Race start time: 10:00am
Cost: 2000 yen for the 3.7k, 4000 yen for the others.

Last year 183 people ran.

The website has not been updated since last year but here it is:

Facebook page is being updated:

Last year's course map:

Entry via Runnet:

Here is an update from the event organizers.

This is an announcement from the organizer that the event is canceled.
"We were preparing for the event to be held on October 9 but the Yoshitsune Park and the forest course in Honbetsu, Hokkaido have sustained heavy damage from large mudslides caused by the landing in Hokkaido of Typhoons number 7, 11 and 9.
As a result of consultation the town of Honbetsu, the co-organizers, because there is not yet a date for when the course can be restored, we have decided to cancel the event.
To those who have already applied for the event or who were planning to apply for the event, we are sorry and thank you for your understanding.
If you had already applied for the event through RUNNET we will be contacting you."

Sunday, August 21, 2016

2016 Nosappu Cape Half Marathon

第35回北方領土ノサップ岬マラソン  ハーフ 10km ほか

Where: Nemuro City
When: August 21, 2016
Apply by: July 8, 2016
Last year 706 people participated.

From Runnet:
【開催日】 2016年8月21日(日)
【エントリー】 受付中
【前回参加者数】706名 ※先着順
runners at the start of the race


Running: half, 10k

Run from the Northern most point of Hokkaido into Memuro.

This is a race to raise awareness of the Northern Territories dispute.

Past participation prizes include T-shirts, towels and baseball caps.

Various prizes given for other things and a lucky drawing during the closing ceremony. Drinks and soup and some food after the race (rice balls, candy etc). See the ocean as you run.

I don't have time to do this justice, but I really enjoy this race. The views of the ocean are great and the soup at the end is delicious. We always go a day early and enjoy a crab dinner the night before the race.

The event website:

Direct link to the event on Runnet:

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Yunotai Hotsprings

Yunotai Hotsprings Run
10k, 5k, 3k, 2k

10:00 Start
3,000 yen for adults
1,000 yen for children
Application period: May 18 to June 17

Where: In the land of gods.  Kaminokuni!  Near Hakodate and Okushiri.  A long way away from where I'm at here in Tokachi.

Event URLs:

It looks like they have used Sportsentry in the past.

You can download the event PDF from their website.

Since this event is past already, I'll have to  keep an eye out for the information for next year's event.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Overseas Entry for Abashiri - Ohotsuku Marathon

It looks like JTB has started a service to allow people to apply for races from overseas.  I did a search on their site and only found the Abashiri marathon for races in Hokkaido.  Hopefully more races will hook up with this service in the near future.

You can find the page for the Abashiri - Ohotsuku marathon (Sept 25) here:

2016-09-26 Update:  Please check the comments on this post for more information about the event.
Supernova has provided us with a link to the English guide for the race.

If for some reason that file gets taken down, here is a backup:

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

2016 Season has started!

Last weekend, the first race of the season, the Shiranuka Road Race, was held and my social network feeds were flooded with pictures and race reports.

Note: Most races can be applied for through Runnet.  You can also contact the race organizers and get apply-by-mail application forms.  You usually need to have an address in Japan to apply.  Most races cannot be entered on race day.  (Although some, run by running clubs, can.)

For more information on entering races in Japan, head on over to the Japan Running News blog at .
Their specific page on entering races in Japan is here: Race Entries.

Now for a short list of races that you may be able to apply for in Hokkaido.

Nikkan Sports Toyohira-gawa Half Marathon (Sapporo)

May 5 (Children's Day)
Dist: Half, 10k, 5k, 3k
Application: Feb 1, through March 31

Hokkaido Marathon - 30th Anniversary (Sapporo)

August 28
Application starts April 3 at 18:00pm and closes shortly thereafter (usually, within two hours!)
If you want to try and get into this race, and it is worth it, visit it's Runnet site at
Or their homepage for more information.  Also, if you are registering online you need to create an account with Runnet. You will need a credit card and an address in Japan. The marathon also has a multi-language website with information.

Ohotsuku - Abashiri Marathon

September 25
This is a new marathon started in 2015 and is one I am eager to try.
Application starts April 1 and runs through June 30.

Northern Horse Park Half marathon and Ekiden (Chitose / Sapporo area)

May 14 and 15
Dist: Half, 7km Trail + Half, 2.5km 
Application until March 31

Karikachi Trail Running (Shintoku / Tokachi area)

May 22
Apply by April 25
20km, 12km, 4km Trail Run

There are many more events coming up, especially in June.  Check the archives to get an idea of where and when races are!
Limited information is included in the calendar entries. For more information, leave a comment. I try to post the deadlines for the races. The place where the race is held is also included. You can see where it is by clicking on the map link.